Message from the President

As Smyrna Pet family, we have been going beyond our goals and increasing our success graph day by day with our deep-rooted corporate culture, solid company values, devoted employees and strong business partners by protecting our past that has raised us on its shoulders for more than 50 years.

We are an organization that aims to grow with a sustainability-oriented corporate governance approach. As a requirement of this, we have based our corporate structure on a performance-oriented perspective, in which professional staff who serve their positions with their competencies and abilities gain weight.

All the investments we have realized are an indication of the infinite trust we have in our business partners, customers, colleagues and especially in our country, which deserves the best and the highest quality of everything. In this direction, our greatest source of pride is to strive to keep the satisfaction of all our stakeholders and business partners at the highest level, to consistently achieve the targets set without compromising our honest merchant principles, and the works that our unique human resources have brought to this day by providing value and contribution to each other with a family consciousness.

I would like to express my endless gratitude to all our stakeholders who meet with us in the same ideals and contribute to our dreams and carry Smyrna Pet to this day…


To be one of the leading pet companies in Turkey and the world that creates high quality, innovative and differentiated products in the field of healthy nutrition of pets and provides permanent superiority with these differences.


To further strengthen the special relationship between people and pets, helping to prolong this special bond through healthy nutrition and strong immunity.